Wenatchee Irrigation System

Water is crucial to for any lawn to thrive. Especially in a climate like Wenatchee, when we can have summer days over 100 degrees out. So it is important to know what times of day to water the grass and how long to run your water. Here at Wenatchee Landscaping we have some great tips for you!

What Time Should You Water?

Make sure to water by 10am. When the sun is out in full force the water will evaporate before getting to the soil and helping your grass to grow. You can also water in the evenings as the sun is going down. So just make sure not to have your sprinklers on from about 11am-5pm during summer.

How Much Water Do You Need?

This can vary by the condition of your lawn but a relatively healthy lawn needs about 1-2 inches per week to maintain a nice green color and healthy appearance. If you are seeing lots of brown that’s a sign to increase the amount of water with your sprinkler system.

More Questions?

You can reach out to us on our contact page or call 509-204-5815

We would love to help set up a sprinkler/irrigation system for your home, it is one of our favorite jobs to take on here at Wenatchee Landscaping. We also provide our irrigation service in Chelan, Cashmere, and Leavenworth.

We look forward to serving you!

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